Tuesday, 22 December 2020
Solstice 2020
Tuesday, 8 December 2020
Friday 11th December Gerry Loose Water Story
Water Story was delighted to have guest author Gerry Loose zooming in for this session this
was the title of the session and he certainly gave the industrious Water Story writers a good crafting workout before heading off Eswatini for a gathering of southern African poets. Here's the link via facebook for that session if you'd like to hear it (you need to click the link on the same device that you have facebook connected to...).
Seeing Gerry puts me in mind of a wording duel that Gerry began with me in 2012 when I moored up next to their residential narrow boat in Bowling.
led on a city dale co
Water Story 11 Dec 2020 – Gerry Loose
Prompt: I as she who …
I am she who dances
alone in the kitchen
I am she who dances
with weans as well as wolves
I am she who dances
in the morning to greet the day
I am she who dances
whether …. or not …. folk are watching
I am she who dances
without sequins and sparkle
I am she who dances
while she can
Kate Lindsay
Water Story
11 December 2020
Workshop with Gerry Loose
Prompt: an encounter with someone or something that meant a lot but did not involve words
Small Encounters
The hand on my elbow as we make our way along the corridor
The glance of understanding as we wait
The step aside in recognition that to go on unhindered is easier than beginning again
The nod of acknowledgement to experiences shared
The arm across my shoulders while emotion abates
The cold air on my face as I open the door
The sight of the red breast of the robin
Water Story Xmas Perty ~ 27th November 2020
What a time we had at the Xmas Perty - all dressed up with a "wee refreshement" and plenty of cheer. Not quite as Diane remembers in her exquisite painting (hidden talents Diane!) or Sheila with her less than flattering photo of the inebriated captain!
Pat started us off in stitches with her take on TS Elliot's Journey of the Magi
The Journey of the Lifebelters
by Pat Sutherland
Just the time of year
for going arse over tit on the ice
and doing battle in the supermarket
for the last loaf.
There were times we regretted
ever getting involved
in all that tinsel tawdriness
and the highway robbery of Festive Menus
full of reconstituted turkey
and khaki knackered sprouts.
Still we soldiered on,
to the soundtrack of Slade
with the voices singing in our ears, saying
that this was all mince.
The on-board Christmas party brought relief, however,
Captain Bev pouring libations topped with Cointreau,
Aileen impersonating The Laughing Policeman
And Pat setting fire to the mince pies
And the barge rocking to our tuneless singing.
Then came January and hacking coughs
And we all learned the word ‘pandemic’
But there was no information, though Boris said
It would all blow over, which it did, from Glasgow Cross to
Auchtermuchty and beyond.
New rules followed; we washed our hands
And closed our doors, but set down
This set down
This: Bev and Larry
Saved us from ourselves
Not a moment too soon,
Finding Zoom, (a cloud-based video communications app that allows you to set up virtual video and audio.)
Meetings had a new dimension:
Can you hear me?
No, Put your face up to the screen! Where’s Kay gone?
I’m stuck out here in the ether; get me back!
My screen’s gone blank, no, I can see your feet!
What’s a screen shot? Fuck’s sake! Pat can’t find the link AGAIN…
All this has carried on to the present,
And we’ll be glad when it’s over
but set down
This set down
out of Covid new poets have sprung,
Lifebelters have written their way through
House arrest and endless grey days
Prizes were won and pieces published
Lesley has woven magic words and music
Kay has walked through four pairs of boots
And we have kept each other afloat
In our lifebelts.
Here’s tae us!
The event fell short of authentic Water Story festive spirit, simply because our atmospheres were not suffused with the smoke of Pat's culinary responsibilities... it just isn't the same if Pat isn't setting fire to sausage rolls, croissants or mince pies.
The festivities came to a natural halt and this wayward captain realised that yes, even in the midst of this hilarity, there was writing to be done. And so it was. I'm still waiting for contributions from the crew but here is one from your captain.
Merry Christmas all x
The Thirteenth Day of Christmas
Lines for a Christmas Card by Hilaire Belloc
May all my enemies go to hell,
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
Wednesday, 18 November 2020
Friday 13th November with Cap'n Bev
and wrote for 7 minutes on the question
"What is your life conversation?"... right now.
Sandra Birnie nailed it - here is her piece:
Life Conversation
by Sandra Birnie
Take a look around and touch the
Thursday, 12 November 2020
30th October Live Session with Lesley O'Brien
Another publication on Dear Damsels for Giovanna McKenna, "Perhaps"
What a treat of a session we had on the 30th October with the marvellous storyteller Lesley O'Brien who took us for a singing walk seeking leprechauns and berries for our bucket with this piece:
As always some stunning writing came out of the session - here's a taste:
Our Helen, a teacher, has been much busier than the rest of us through lockdown but has found time to submit a piece of prose quite apt for Water Story... thanks Helen!
by Helen Elsley
The smallest and most recent swimmer, I was the only one who had to wear a lifejacket. I slipped it off whenever their backs were turned, walked sure-footed and free over the roof of the barge, stepped off at bridges and trailed along the towpath half-drunk on head-high meadowsweet.
My mother fell in first. Pushing off from a mooring, she made the rookie error of leaving her feet on the bank. “Frank,” she snapped, “Frank. Do something!” Her body slowly went horizontal between towpath and departing boat, before she had to step inevitably off into cold wildfowl-scattering water up to her waist.
Next, my brothers. Given free rein in an inflatable dinghy, they paddled blithely under the run-off from a lock and were swamped, slowly sinking side by side until only their crew cuts were visible, dark and fair among the foam.
My big sister, schlepping along the side wearing the last word in seventies Swedish clogs, slipped wooden-soled into the industrial waters of Birmingham at the back of a sanitary-ware factory. A row of toilet bowls along the edge of the yard looked down on her floundering as the buoyant clogs bobbed to the surface.
My father seemed safe enough, feet planted, hand on tiller, pirate king for a week. But spectacularly, impossibly, he managed to steer into a flooded field and waded off to fetch a farmer with a tractor and a towrope. I surely cannot remember this, and yet I do, and he is not here to ask. I remember him humming, tuneless as the 4-mile-an-hour engine, happy. At the swing bridge where he had hung about to help as an evacuee, his own long-ago canal summer was close enough to touch in the handle on the winding mechanism.
Lifejacket spurned, I stayed bone-dry and told-you-so triumphant.
Thursday, 8 October 2020
2 October Live session with Lynnda Wardle ~ "Write around the Room"
Lynnda's theme today took inspiration from the classic 'Journey Around my Room’ 1794 by Xavier de Maistre (a soldier confined to his quarters for 6 weeks because he was caught in an illegal duel) we will explore our own surroundings to uncover material for intense, focused writing.
"Walk around the edges of your kitchen keeping you back to the wall. Notice everything. Touch the surfaces, notice how the surface feel. Notice what you see, both ordinary and anything you haven’t noticed before. Look at how things are arranged against the wall. What is in the middle of the room? Spend a few moments looking up at the ceiling what do you notice?"
"Imagine the room is a landscape. Think of the floor: is it a forest floor, a desert, the sea, a bog? Describe this imagined floor.
Thinking of the furniture: what kind of shapes do they form? Mountains? Icebergs? Giant trees etc?
Tall objects like cupboards or the fridge? What form do they take? Cliffs? Etc
Ceiling? What kind of covering? Sky? Or something else?
Now take these elements and thread them together as a short piece of writing in any form. Include your souvenir object. What is its function? What could it be used for in this new landscape? Does it have a story of its own?
Catrice's found object was this poem she wrote at the age of ten:
You can see some of Lynnda Wardle's writing here
Thursday, 24 September 2020
Loch Lomond! 18th September 2020
Huge thanks to Cruise Loch Lomond who donated a morning aboard their splendid vessel on Loch Lomond today. Pat and Sheila here have been shielding since early March, and the effect of the fresh air and actually spending time with real people? Well in all honesty, the pens nestled undisturbed at the bottom of our bags for the duration of the splendid, sunny sail.
Sunday, 6 September 2020
Live Session 4th September ~ Forgetfulness
Loving Lou's doodle date... such a cheerful flower! Now I arrived slightly disheveled at the meeting today having been brought stuttering to my desk by an insistent poem after my morning graveyard cycle. It simply had to be written... here it is:
Sunday, 23 August 2020
Live Session 21st August ~ What matter?
Lou recommended a heartening project called Teach the Future
Yes Water Story writers, at last we are getting OUT! Onto the water... email Bev if you'd like to be added to the list for this trip and arrangements will follow. For social distancing reasons you must please make your own arrangements for getting to Tarbet; be aware there will be stringent measures in place to protect some of our more vulnerable writers.
Monday, 10 August 2020
Live session 10th August ~ Slim Boat, look the other way
Such conversations were had today, different perspectives on the world changes we are witnessing as we creep out of lockdown. Come out? Stay at home? Like shared guilty secrets we discovered that most of us actually like peace and control of our secluded lives... with this piece Sheila took us swimming in Loch Ard - I don't have a pic so here is the Firth of Clyde:
I stand looking across the still surface
by Sheila Buchanan
I stand looking across the still surface
I feel I can walk on the water
It is so smooth and untroubled
No ripples or splash.
But better to enter the medium
Feel the shock of the cold
See the sunshine enter from above.
As I slipstream face down
The light is split into shards
Vectors pointing to the apex below
I assume the nature of a slim boat
Crossing the boundaries of natures’ curves
Balance is all.
Our writing prompt today was an attempt to maintain calm, avoid inhaling others' germs, sidestep suffering, find another route....
look the other way
Lou reckoned she'd been looking the other way for so long she has a crick in her neck!
Sheila Buchanan's "Look the other way"
Look the other way and
Don’t reflect what used to be;
Note what people are doing well
Not the lack of reponsibility.
Let the sunshine in to a spotless mind
No thunder clouds to a trouble a fevered cranium.
Pragmatism and a mindful approach are the tools of the trade.
Keep in touch but don’t touch
Share and air your concerns to absolve your anxiety.
A day at a time
Don’t let the anxiety be worse that the virus
Look at what an amazing person you are
Life is always blurred at the edges.
To finish we drew various prompts from Cathie Sandstrom's poem
which is, after all, what life feels like at the moment...
In the slim boat of each day
by Giovanna MacKenna
In the slim boat of each day
I travel the lengths of my life
Finding the going rough and tiring,
I forget I am fortunate to be carried
Around my craft splash others, those
who retch salt water from their throats
NB Water Story...
Sessions are moving back to Fridays, starting next Friday 21st August
Keep an eye on the Water Story Schedule page
Monday, 27 July 2020
Live session 27th July ~ Auden, silently and very fast
Monday, 20 July 2020
Live Session 20th July ~ Grrrrrrrout!
Monday, 13 July 2020
Live Session 13th July ~ Greta Thunberg & Yowann Byghan
Monday, 6 July 2020
Live session 6th July ~ Tangle o' the Isles
Monday, 22 June 2020
Live Session 22nd June ~ Solstice with Kenneth Steven
Mindfulness and Writing
Monday, 15 June 2020
Live Session 15th June 2020 ~ Dark & Light with Kim Stafford
In fact our writing prompt
dark and light together
came from a piece called Pandemic Coffee restoration Ritual that you can read here among Pandemic Poems by Kim Stafford
Once you've had a look at that, treat yourself to the audio visual delights of a further collection: Poems for the Pandemic from the Oregonian
Kim Stafford is the guest speaker at the Lapidus webinar after the AGM on Thursday 25th June; if you haven't booked your tickets for those events then scroll down the page - I've pasted links again at the end of this post.
Many thanks Kay for the following links - come on writers, I'm hoping we will find you in these competitions, hmmm? Hmmmm? Hmmmmmm?
University of Aberdeen's Lockdown Lore Collection Project
this from University College Dublin
Today I'm happy to be sharing a poem from John Young who we haven't seen in a wee while; his powerful piece here gives us an idea why that might be:
And the ball keeps bouncing
by John Young
We watched you exhale the final time; we screamed soundlessly.
And the ball keeps bouncing.
The world has set itself on fire; burned out homes, ravaged streets.
And the ball keeps bouncing.
Monsoons drown the screaming, and the klansmen keep on lynching.
And the ball keeps bouncing.
The virus sweeps the world; parks, shops, all stand still.
And the ball keeps bouncing.
Fear and loathing stain our conscience.
And the ball keeps bouncing.
The trees keep growing; the fish keep swimming; the rivers keep running; the birds keep singing.
And the ball keeps bouncing.
LAPIDUS AGM (Zoom) - Thursday 25th June from 5:30pm
Book for the AGM
LAPIDUS Webinar with Kim Stafford - Thursday 25th June from 7:00pm
Book for the webinar here.
Monday, 8 June 2020
Live Session 8th June ~ Unrest wtih Maya Angelou
Meanwhile the theme of the day brought our minds and pens to worldwide unrest in the wake of the death of George Floyd, the Black Lives Matter movement.
Still I Rise Maya Angelou's poem, was where I went for contemplation and this is where our prompt of the day comes from:
I am the dream and the hope of the slave
Many thanks to Pat Sutherland who has shared her hugging thoughts from last week:
On occasion hugging poses awkward questions: ‘Do I know this person well enough?’ ‘Will a hug seem presumptuous?’ ‘Does this person even like being hugged?’ ‘Must I hug this person?’ ‘Is this person never going to let go?’
After three hugless months, however, I have lost my scruples. I have discovered how much I need and miss human contact of the physical kind. The delivery man at my door today narrowly missed being folded in my embrace and given half a chance I’d hug the cat next door, though she has always observed discreet social distancing.
I will not be responsible for my conduct when hugging becomes permissible, when the suit at the podium produces a graph delineating the ratio of safe hugging in relation to area and the legal maximum participants in a group hug. When it happens I will spend all the birthday hugs I’ve been saving; I will go to the gate and hug passers- by; I will get behind the wheel and drive south to hug my grandsons until they wriggle free; I will be a mug for hugging.
Monday, 1 June 2020
Live session ~ HUGS
Some delightful Water Story writing came out of the prompt (watch this space for posts to come) which is more than can be said for my google search for relevant poems. Try it yourself... a deluge of perhaps the worst poetry imaginable has been precipitated by an act that we all agreed was utterly fundamental to our human expression. In desperation I shifted the search to TOUCH, skirting the sexier poems I landed at last on this deeply moving poem called The Touch by Anne Sexton. What a journey this takes you on; well worth several reads.
Sharing today is a rich collection from Kay Ritchie, inspired by our Gerard Manley Hopkins session about Spring last week; thanks Kay!
![]() |
Portrait of Kay Ritchie by Susie Taylor |
After Manley Hopkins
by Kay Ritchie
wheels - whirring whirling birling skirling
water wheels spinning wheels ferris wheels
bicycle wheels wheels on prams wheels on cars
wheelchairs & wheelbarrows
wooden ones and metal ones and plastic ones &
William Carlos William’s red one &
Paul Durcan’s Copacabana one &
the squeaky one Kate pushed last week
one wheel trundling down our street
its barrow brimming
purples oranges reds and pinks
rhododendrons bundled in its wooden sink
a glorious gift from her garden &
it brought back happy memories of that one
obtained for work at our hut at Carbeth
its rusty rumbly/rattly/rolling

to carry soil dug up by David
(stones and wiggly worms and waggly weeds)
my job to dump and return
to help plant the herbs that would feed
feed family and friends,
feed butterflies and bees
feed our senses
the purple lavender
the pink echinacea
the white camomile
the blue borage
the parsley sage rosemary and thyme
the mint and chives and fennel and dill
the basil on our window sill
all made possible by
that one world weary wheel
Thursday, 28 May 2020
Let's get stuff submitted!
There are just a couple of days left to submit to PENGUIN'S WRITE NOW initiative - 31st May!
Angie Strachan has also been marvelously busy and is recommending we some destinations for your writing:
"I have been recording poetry for Radio V for Volunteer Scotland. They are looking for people to submit their poetry, art, stories, art, etc, for their website. It's to celebrate Volunteers and Volunteering on Volunteer Week from the 1st to 7th of June. Perhaps some of our wee group might be interested. I have also written some hints and tips to get people started with poetry on their website. This is the link.
If anyone is interested in hearing my poetry for Volunteer radio it is on Spotify, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter under Radio V. I was also interviewed while at Stanza for Irish radio's RTE poetry program and they recorded my "Stressed" poem. This is the link for that and the link for my Seagull poem that is on at the beginning of the Loud Poets, Loudcast. "
Come on people, let's get publishing!
Cap'n Bev