Huge thanks to Cruise Loch Lomond who donated a morning aboard their splendid vessel on Loch Lomond today. Pat and Sheila here have been shielding since early March, and the effect of the fresh air and actually spending time with real people? Well in all honesty, the pens nestled undisturbed at the bottom of our bags for the duration of the splendid, sunny sail.
As we neared the end of the cruise we blew whistles... usually an alarm call on water (we did warn the nearby vessels it was not a call for help). This was a blasting of Coronavirus from out of our tidy morning.... a furious vent at the frustrations of the past months.
Aileen brought a painting she's done of Giovanna's cat, but it matched the boat so well we think it might need to stay on board the Lomond Prince...
Our day on Loch Lomond was the loveliest of the year. We blew away our blues with those whistles; the water lapped blue around us and the sky above was Mediterranean blue...