Thursday, 28 May 2020

Let's get stuff submitted!

Calling all writers but ESPECIALLY the Water Story crew who have produced some excellent work during lockdown. Congratulations to Giovanna who has been published at DEAR DAMSELS


There are just a couple of days left to submit to PENGUIN'S WRITE NOW initiative - 31st May!


Angie Strachan has also been marvelously busy and is recommending we some destinations for your writing:
"I have been recording poetry for Radio V for Volunteer Scotland.  They are looking for people to submit their poetry, art, stories, art, etc, for their website.  It's to celebrate Volunteers and Volunteering on Volunteer Week from the 1st to 7th of June.  Perhaps some of our wee group might be interested.  I have also written some hints and tips to get people started with poetry on their website.  This is the link.

If anyone is interested in hearing my poetry for Volunteer radio it is on Spotify, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter under Radio V.  I was also interviewed while at Stanza for Irish radio's RTE poetry program and they recorded my "Stressed" poem.  This is the link for that and the link for my Seagull poem that is on at the beginning of the Loud Poets, Loudcast.  "

Come on people, let's get publishing!

Cap'n Bev

Drookit Doo 
"Please find below the poem about the pigeon.  It's written with some interesting Ayrshire words."
"Angie Strachan ©

Geordie takes a donner doon the concrete slabs,
Pookin at the grass frae the cracks
Watter, hingin from his beak, like a dewdrip snotter
Wearing his feathers like a puffa jaiket,
eyes closed, hen toed, glaikit -
Drookit, foonert and scunnert

The doo hut is shut - it's oot o commission
it's pure pishin,
the pigeons are wishin,
they were roastin like a chicken
The trees have nae leaves, to sit unner n dry oot,
So Geordie stoats aboot, soakin wet, gettin droont

Also, this is my Lockdown Hairdoo poem that I filmed and I hope to be filming my "Fashion In A Crisis" poem this week.

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