by Cap'n Bev
We cast off,
coffeed, caked, connected.
My brave warriors-for-wellness
have dandled their pens across rippling pages.
In the breeze of a prompt they
set sail on each their own journey,
splicing the tension, the pain
and the fear into splendid strong ropes of preparedness,
shyly sharing their craft for the
wonder and cheer of our woodstove cabin crew.
Now we’re off
in search of the kingfisher,
cormorant and coot.
The moorhens and mallards stalk
close to their nested banks,
Peccadillo’s engine heart beats
with the laughter of the chatting crew,
the propeller pushes on against a
strong green fold of plaited wake
and I?
I am the happiest captain of the
So Lovely! I can see and hear the joyful Captain Bev and her plucky crew of parturient poets.... Xxxx